Thursday, February 24, 2011

Show me the love!

 Happy BELATED Valentine's Day! To commemorate I'm going to share one of my loves: baking.

A few weeks ago my roommates, Shelby and I took a cupcake class at Butter Lane. It was a Groupon okay? And I really like cupcakes.

And I also started this post on Valentines day. Hence the weird intro. But anyhow back to the story.

It was a class of 12. Teams of four. Guess who was in my group?

We made (as a class) vanilla, chocolate and banana cupcakes as well as vanilla, chocolate, cream cheese and peanut butter frosting (we voted on this and split the vanilla in half to get enough). My group was in charge of the banana cupcakes and cream cheese frosting. YUM.

I learned a lot about baking cake. Little, basic, scientific explanations about why it's important to cream together butter and sugar for so long. That there is reason to the order of adding wet and dry into the mix. Why you fold in banana last (because they are a gluten and over beating makes the cake tough and dry).

And let's just say I think our cakes turned out the best. Well-shaped and even. And our frosting was yum.

Winning cupcakes!
We learned how to frost the cupcakes Butter Lane style. Then there was a contest to see who could get it the most beautiful. I'll give you three guesses to who won...YAY ME! Too bad I left my prize, a gift of half a dozen cupcakes, in the kitchen when I rushed out after class. But we did not forget our cupcakes. It was free for all grab at the end, so the cupcakes I took home weren't necessarily all decorated by me...or the roommates. Or Shelby.

It was great fun and my love for baking has not decreased since then. Vivian and Mattie visited this weekend. We made homemade oreos. A post about their visit is forthcoming. I should definitely try to be more frequent than my current semi-monthly pace.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Daze

NY Public Libary on 5th Ave

I know I don't win for most original post title but it fits so well. Being from Texas, I never saw a lot of snow. Duh. I mean, when it "snowed" it was really icy rain and I remember waking up early to turn on the news, praying that school was cancelled. Since I've moved to the NE, I've realized that one, icy rain really is dangerous and two, snow in NYC is dirrrty.
Outdoor subway platform in my commute
It's been snowing, substantially, every week since Christmas. To me, this is what living up north is all about, to people who've lived in the city for the past 10 years, this is unusual. Apparently it doesn't snow all the time, like it has been. This year, it's been abundant. Blame it on global warming causing more severe storms. Who knows.
Walks to work can be fun.

Three scenarios when I wake up to a snowy day:
  1. I wake up. I get dressed. I'm almost out the door and decide to look out the window. It's snowing. I sigh, exasperated, and tweak my outfit to work around my snowboots. The thing about snow is that it is silent! Unlike rain. But snow melts when it lands on your lashes and cheeks. I still haven't decided on whether I want to carry an umbrella out or not when it's snowing.
  2. I wake up. I look out the window and the world is blanketed in snow. The sun is high and clear. Everything looks fresher, crisper, clearer. I bundle up excitedly and leave for work. Everything looks beautiful. Until later, when everyones tracks and the dirt of NYC taints the snow. And it's grimy and piled on the sides of the walkways. At least it hides the trash. But when it gets slushy and melty, it seems that all the corners are puddles of muddy slush. Bah!
  3. I wake up. Because of a big storm anticipation,I call my work's hotline, even before I get out of bed, cross my fingers and hope that we get a snow day. That has yet to happen.
One of the neighbors has this snow plow machine that makes mountains!
 Regardless of what seems like a list of inconveniences about snow, I rather enjoy it. It's nice to have a real winter. My favorite part is being able to see my breath so well.

What is all this snow good for? SKIING! My roommates and I (and Yesenia) signed up for a Texas Exes (Hook'Em!) day trip, ski at Windham Mountain, this past weekend. It was a great site. Lots of trails. The day was beautiful, clear and sunny skies. All lifts were open and trails freshly groomed. We had a blast even if we did have to wake up at 5am. It was a great day.
Taking a break to blow my nose!
About skiing. I've only skiied like once before. And I wasn't bad at it. I'm just...reckless. I guess you could say I started running before I learned to walk. Or walking before I learned to crawl. Regardless, I can balance, go fast and such but I cannot, for the life of me, stop aptly. Or at all... But I love skiing and can go on blue trails now. YAY! Anyways I want to make skiing a more constant thing in my life. I mean, if my brother can own a snowboard and live in Texas, I sure as hell can go skiing more than once a year.

Readysetgo! (Jackie wanted to snowboard)

And what else does snow entice one to do? Cook stews, soups and other hearty items of course! And what better way to make hot, delicious meals worthy of a snowy, freezing day than in a wonderful dutch oven. I decided to treat myself to this baby:

Staub. 5.5qt. Graphite
I am in bliss. I've wanted a dutch oven ever since I started reading Pioneer Woman and this desire burned even more when I became smitten with Smitten Kitchen. Braised meats? Deep, flavorful soups? SIGN ME UP!

Yes, I did get grey and not dijon. Why? I am lucky enough to have a friend who's mother works at William Sonoma. Thus I was limited to the colors they carried but I got half-off so I'm not complaining. Plus I think that grey compliments yellow rather nicely so I guess I'll just have a grey and yellow kitchen in the future. It's chic!

To all my readers: keep warm!


*Just wanted to say that many of the snow photos and all the skiing ones are courtesy of L!