I'm going to try to post more. But until I get a decent camera it may all just be word posts. Which is hard since I'm such a visual person (like I say in every post).
Or I'll just look through my phone and see what random things I've captured and write about that. At least that's something right?
I don't know, it's like the older I get, the more I don't remember. I feel like I need to write down every fabulous experience I have because when I don't I just forget. I've gotten the opportunity to do many amazing things here in the city, partially from being in such a metropolis and partly from working in media (the bomb!). But maybe it's because I'm inundated by a profusion of sights, sounds and smells everyday that my mind has to optimize on what exactly to remember. About a month ago I recently read
The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan and there was an explanation in the marijuana chapter devoted to the brain and your neurons are constantly firing. In order to keep things flowing and going, the mind has to selectively choose what to remember and what to forget. They say that childbirth is so traumatizing, that the brain releases a chemical that helps the mother 'forget' what it was like in order to keep on reproducing. Obviously Pollan wrote all this in more accurate and pleasing prose than me.
But you get the idea.
Brunch at DiWine-Banana Bread French Toast (not mine of course!) |
Lauren and I baked cupcakes for Jackie's birthday even though we couldn't eat them. Peanut-butter chocolate! |
I made pho for this first time ever. Pho ga (chicken) yum! |
I won the in-flight trivia game on my flight back from Vegas. Woot! |
Random thoughts:
- I eat healthy 5 days a week. On the weekends, when I'm not on a schedule I eat whatever, whenever
- I want to go on a vacation alone
- I eat an apple a day
This was a lame post. Sorry.