1. Took clothes from my apt back home
2. Did 5 loads of laundry
3. Folded some clothes
I need to decide how much clothing I'm going to bring. I mean, I can always buy clothes in New York...
Fast forward to the day before I leave, the mess that was in my house:

Notice how I have two able-bodies brothers who did not help me.
On top of the $40 fee to check two bagsI had to pay an extra $50 for overweight luggage. One of my bags was actually 72 lbs and that would have been an extra $100, but I thought quickly and pulled a 4 lb textbook out.
Food on the day of travel:
Breakfast taco in Bergstrom

$6 Italian Panini sandwich on AA. Which kept me captive on the end of the runway, in the cabin for 1 hour...

In short, I left my house at 6:10 CST and arrived in NYC at 4:00 EST, a whole 1.5 hours after the planned time. Not to mention it took 1 hour to get to the place I'm staying. I WAS TIRED!
Cool Taxi TV with a map to show you where you are!

More on my dorm and stuff next time.
Mmmm breakfast taco!