Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I visited Chris at Yale for the first time this weekend. It was a lovely trip, out of Manhatten on the North Railroad, going through Connecticut. The leaves are beginning to turn into warm golds, bright red and the sun sets a bit earlier, leaving a soft, hazy glow that wraps around everything. It is truly fall.

I've been wearing boots and trenches and scarves, not only because it's fashionable, but because I really need to as the weather turns crisp and brisk. It'll be my first real fall and I am enjoying every bit of it. I am not in Texas anymore. For real.

Yale is beautiful.

Every time I visit the older college campuses of America, especially up here, I can't help but sigh and wish that I realized the beauty of going to college not in Texas. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed and am extremely grateful for my experiences and opportunities from school. But the beauty of UT does not strike me the way the old schools do. I wish I could be more articulate about my thoughts but my brain has become decidedly lazy. And that's a subject for another post.

Inside the courtyard of Timothy Dwight

Another view inside same courtyard.
Yale has a residential college system that is like the house system in Hogwarts. That's Harry Potter for those of ya'll who do not get the reference. (Read the series if you have not. Life changing.) And they all have a residential area, complete with a courtyard.  You're put into a college as a freshman by random assignment. And each college has a master and it's own budget, yadayadayada. Read more about this here.  I wish I had that. I also wish Harry Potter was real.

Chris and I got in a tiff because he said that if Harry Potter was real and I was at Hogwarts I would be a Hufflepuff. Which of course makes me huff. But I took this sorting hat quiz and it turns out I am...Not the biggest bummer in the world, at least I'm not a  Slytherin.

 The Halloween Holiday was in the air...
In other news I've been busy in the kitchen. Many treats to come. Nom nom nom.