Monday, January 21, 2013

Reading Time

One of the best things I love about public transit in NYC is that it give me time to read. When I was biking to work regularly, I enjoyed the fresh air and exercise but man, I missed being able to read. I'm not sure if it's because it's cold outside or that my bike tube needs to be replaced (again) or that I just want to read but I've started taking the subway regularly again. This means committing to an unlimited monthly pass.

 I decided to pull out my Kindle the other day (after 9 months of non-use) since I've successfully read all the interesting books on the shelves of the apt. I much prefer the feel of actual books to the Kindle though. And it looks like I'm not the only one who enjoys reading on the subway.

I'm currently reading Auschwitz lent by Shelby. I've only made it through the introduction thus far but it promises to be an interesting read.  

Outside of the subway, the only other time I read is right before bed. I  read that looking at an electronic screen before bed is not conducive to a restful night's sleep. So I capitalize on the free publications from work and read magazines before going to bed. Mostly epicurean titles. Don't ask me why I decide to read about food at a time where I am usually hungry but have already brushed my teeth. That's a whole 'nother issue. 

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