Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Get Excited

I have reservations to Butter. Yes, like on Gossip Girl. I am stoked. And I don't even like GG THAT much but I heard the food at Butter is good. Plus, doesn't Butter just seem like a fun word to say?

In other news my mom and Alan are still here. My brother spent the whole day looking for Explosions in the Sky tickets for a benefit show that they have tonight in SummerStage @ Central Park. Even though he has tickets to see them in Austin on July 4th. My dad thinks Alan wants to be a rockstar.

My mom and I just hang out and eat and walk around usually the Herald Square Area. She's dying to go to Chinatown but the rain messed up those plans today. Speaking of, it was such a nice day until I got off of work and the sky was full of ominous, gray clouds and the streets were wet with muddy rainwater. GROSS. And I was wearing sandals. I know rain was in the forecast but I didn't really think it would rain...again. Oh well.

Hmmm, getting excited about the long weekend. Going to spend it with my boo, Gabby!!! Get excited Beantown.


  1. O.M.G. i am a huge GG fan and omg omgomg you're going to butter!
